They do look similar to aphids I get from time to time in my orchard. I will brush them away. I think that eventually, before they get really bad, ladybugs, syrphid flies, minute pirate bugs, lacewings, etc (the cavalry-per Elaine Ingham) come to reset the balance of nature, as Rachel carson would have it.
I don't want to get rid of 100% of tiny pests because that's what keeps the cavalry around.
Works for me.
John S

They look very much like woolly aphids.
Squish 'em with yer finger. And spray 'em with warm water containing a dash of dish washing detergent.
Woolly aphids, as I recall, repel soapy water more effectively, than ordinary aphids. So.... a few repeat treatments may be required.
But! To my way of thinking, that isn't your major problem. The trunk of your tree is damaged, and the aphids are just feasting on the easily available sap.
It looks like either a kitty cat is using your tree as a scratching post, or your tree is being attacked by Anthracnose (or some such thing).
Treat with Lime/Sulfur, Some kind of Copper, or Neem.
Oh, I reviewed. Bear damage? Are you sure?
Marsha H
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