Shaun Sheperd will be on OPB radio's Science Friday today at 11am. Our local FM affiliate is 91.5.
Ira Flatow is the host. Also on the segment is Gayle Vogt, USDA.
MY INFORMATION IS WRONG...... Not happening on this day, May 1, has Covid 19 informational programing.
I'll try to get an update on when the interview will happen.
Sorry all, I'll try to stay in my lane.
James B

sweepbjames said
Shaun Sheperd will be on OPB radio's Science Friday today at 11am.....Ira Flatow is the host. Also on the segment is Gayle Vogt, USDA.......... Not happening on this day, May 1, has Covid 19 informational programing.
Sorry all,
I'll try to stay in my lane...
Thanks for attempted notice. You're lane is fine,... it's others who were apparently swerving about. I listened to the first hour of Science Friday today on my local station before going outside to do some labeling and pollinating, but the program's first hour was a good one on the 1918 flu and the similarities to current Covid times...
...right down to the rabble rebeling against masks and social distancing thus resulting in ever more contagion and death. Humans is what they is: Ignorance is bliss. "Fake News" until you or someone you know dies.
When Ira does do "the apple segment" with Shaun and Gayle please give a heads-up,... hopefully with a couple of days' lead time; I don't get online every day. I'd love to hear the segment.
I found the episode on the science Friday website: https://www.sciencefriday.com/.....e-history/
Also fyi Science Friday is a national program that is broadcast on most PBS radio stations.

davem said
I found the episode .... Science Friday is a national program that is broadcast on most PBS radio stations.
Thanks for the link! I just listened to the segment and thought it was pretty good. Shaun was on the ball, although it sorta sounded like Gayle didn't quite grasp what Ira was asking. I think that it had to do with him being more "on-the-ground" and her more "in the lab." Nevertheless, a very good segment; it is very difficult to explain all of the subtleties and complexities of such a long, complicated history of apples in a relatively brief segment.
...And to think that a single type of fruit has such a complex history so well-intertwined with humans and their own history of recent thousands of years....
Marsha H
John S
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