First thing is that bacterial diseases exist in under adapted fruit trees the same way as they do in us with under adapted immune systems or stress just the same. Secondly anti-microbials generally come from plants, or in the case trees, such as turn of the centuries old data of aspirin like evidence from Cottonwood. The alignment of discussion of disease here and as follows is usually of bacterial structure and nature as it relates to organic control of pseudomonas syringae suseptable cultivars of any kinds of fruit trees.
I like this 10 year old update knowledge base on important effects ingredients:
Lavoie, S., Legault, J., Simard, F., Chiasson, E., & Pichette, A. (2013).
New antibacterial dihydrochalcone derivatives from buds of Populus balsamifera.
Elsevier Tetrahedron Letters. 54 (13), 1631-1633.
So what might be of interest to some and possibly agriculturists if any (ie. John), which may wish to promote local AG science (such as compost brew), is that my long term experiment at Wintler park and the continued promotion of productivity without human intervention allows for the overhead branches above that apricot to now be looked at as a medicinal support to the apricot directly through raining. In other words another method could be used of diffusion of other particles of unrelated plant species to fruiting species that need these particles to retain flower health and productivity could be counted on using cottonwood (in particular the buds).
Obviously early flowering traits in fruit trees freezing in areas of the north or prairie provinces and the loss of productivity there are not applicable inside this topic of disease in the PNW here, so this as well as the apricot link above inside HOS is kind of a local topic only, and about any early flowering "imported" tree either from California or prairies of the north, and how to fix them here, and etc as at first...
I am not sure how best to extract beneficial oils from buds yet. They are tight and yet non sticky. Maybe the best way now is to assume the beneficial oils are still there and freeze this as a solid then use the more expensive commercial blenders to grind very cold buds to a powder? (vitamix and blendtec do this) Then possibly stored frozen? Then another remaining question that involves more experience is the duration of application and what are the seasons?
Comments of some other types of possible interest to others I uploaded in the link below.
Many people spray Neem oil on plants to decrease disease.
Yes, compost tea is a type of this strategy.
Just planting a diverse yard creates a passive version of this dynamic.
For years, Italians planted grapes on live maple seedlings, because it decreased disease. Modern scientists told them to become modern and had them grow the grapes on metal wires. They got disease. Then the modern scientists got out microscopes and discovered what was going on. A tiny invisible mite that lives on the maple ate the disease before it took hold. Now the modern scientists have accepted the peasant wisdom and have gone back to growing them on maple seedlings.
John S
For the Apricot at Wintler the Cottonwood in that area is certainly the biggest living driver to find there. So it makes sense to try and see, when we force co-existence in each new planting hole as done in Italy between Grape and Maple, if production happens.
Infertility is probably a self imposed feature that comes into play on the side of apricot much like that of a mast year that many trees have in the wild such as northern birch which are based on weather patterns the previous year. In other words a kind of epiginetic random play and makes it hard science to trace the biological pathway, and thus retirees like us will never find out the connection.
I also recently found elsewhere a claim from one cottonwood collector that some groves have stronger medicinal properties than others. Being as things are the progeny of the same apricot and cottonwood should be sought in future experimentation.
Marsha H
John S
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