As I understand it, the Temperate Apple Conservancy gathered up everything that they could find. Sad to say, varieties keep disappearing...
Back a few years, our local fruit group had a scion exchange. Everybody brought in the varieties that they could share, and we had tables and tables of varieties. We didn't keep track of what was available on any given exchange, and it changed from year to year. Looking back, I'd love to know what we had. Any chance you could post the PDF here? Please, oh please, oh please?
Warner King is new to me. I checked my files, and I see that dates from c1900 here in the PNW. How did you hear about it?
Cheers, katmendeux, likes history
Is there an upload feature???
Here is the saved link:
I had never seen this version. I have old Bottner posted PDF's from 2009-2912.
I'm gonna guess you have to be a member to see that link.
katmendeux said geometry dash world
Hi,As I understand it, the Temperate Apple Conservancy gathered up everything that they could find. Sad to say, varieties keep disappearing...
Back a few years, our local fruit group had a scion exchange. Everybody brought in the varieties that they could share, and we had tables and tables of varieties. We didn't keep track of what was available on any given exchange, and it changed from year to year. Looking back, I'd love to know what we had. Any chance you could post the PDF here? Please, oh please, oh please?
Warner King is new to me. I checked my files, and I see that dates from c1900 here in the PNW. How did you hear about it?
Cheers, katmendeux, likes history
I see that tree varieties keep disappearing without any solution.
Dannytoro1 said
Cruising around looking for Warner King scions; I came across a PDF of I'm assuming of what they sold years ago. They had a number of varieties I'd take. Where is this collection now???
I know there had been a compilation of the HOS Arboretum content, I wonder if that is the content you are referencing? The now Home Orchard Education Center is that collection brought forward. HOEC (spelled out with .org) is the path to their website.
If you have somehow found a way into the old HOS website pages, somewhere in some forever- archived cloud bank... that would indeed be a find. Another recent thread referring to a Ted Swenson one of many scholarly listing of apple variety attributes ie., Blossom Time sequence for pollination (A, B, C, or D); tripolid attribute; to name a couple, some or another would have been parked in the deeper levels of that website.
katmendeux said
As I understand it, the Temperate Apple Conservancy gathered up everything that they could find.
This being true, the Temperate Orchard Conservancy, entered into a volunteer fueled project to clone the Botner Collection with Nicks complete approval. Much of that collection now resides at TOC, along with genetic material from other orchards and collections, and finds from the likes of The Lost Apple Project, among others. It is ongoing. Also spelled out with no spaces TOC is a .org
Lost Apple? Tom Brown.
Part of his collection(400 he said) are in limbo at Steve Kelly's Old Timey Apples. Though I talked to Mr.Kelly who stated he was too disabled to get out and work; he did not say if it is permanent.
We need to look ahead here. A ton of Leading Apple Preservation sites are run by folks retiring soon. Mr.Calhoun and Mr.Brown are on sabbatical. The Joyners at Big Horse probably want some time off.
Marsha H
John S
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