I was planning to bring these to the 2020 propagation fair. Before I throw them in the compost, I thought I'd check to see if anyone wants to come get them here in Camas (south Prune Hill - 10 min east of I-205 bridge). Probably about 50 of Miss Jessamine and 25 of hey jack. I can put them in my newspaper delivery box at the curb for pickup 24/7 but I won't do that until someone says they're coming.
Miss Jessamine. The apple is not quite ripe in these photos. When ripe it is yellow with some red blush and a bit of russeting. I suspect that the seed was from an Opal, but I forgot to write it down so I don't really know. Ripens mid-October. When fully ripe it is sweet, good flavor, I give it 8 out of 10 on my scale of favorites. See this thread: http://forums.homeorchardsocie.....ing-apple/
"hey jack,". Ripens late November. Very hard, very sweet, very tart, juicy. With a bit of buffing they become shiny. See thread: http://forums.homeorchardsocie.....rab-apple/

Dave, if I may call you Dave, that is a most kind offer. I'm in Salem, so I won't be taking you up on the offer. Maybe next year.
Not sure what is going on, as it looks like Governor Brown is going to issue a Stay Home, Stay Healthy directive on Monday. How that will impact the HOS Scion Exchange as it now stands is a mystery to me. For me at least, grafting is something I can do at home, if I can get the scions. I've got the root stock, and some scions from TOS to graft, but was looking for the rest from HOS. The not knowing is the worst.
Take care and stay healthy.

Okay, these scions are now in Salem. So, if anyone is wanting some, I can drive to meet up, keeping distance, to pass some off. As far North as the Wilsonville Costco, and as far South as the Albany Costco.
So speak up. I'll be checking with Tonya to see if she needs or wants either of them for the exchange.
Take care and keep your distance from everyone.
I am sure Dave will get around here for an answer John. If it is a renetka hybrid as I think it is I think you should use some of it grafted into a pear tree. The first renetka I tried was 'palmetta' and it took very well to pear and so far in the last consecutive 4 years has produced a decent crop. I tried that combination as a leed given from an Alaskan apple farmer, now dead. I guess he was correct!
John S said
Hey Dave M,Do you know when "Hey Jack" Flowers? I have it on a dwarfing rootstock. I was thinking of taking it to school with another variety that is blooming compatible and planting it so the kids could eat good crabapples.
John S
I haven't made notes on when it flowers but I will this year.
Marsha H
John S
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