It's that time of year. This will be the 2nd year of our entirely voluntary site monetary support.
You can see last year's history in this thread: https://forums.homeorchardsoci.....his-forum/
As of the last post in that thread we had a surplus of 2023 of $12. Since then I paid $45.48 directly for renewal of our domain name for 3 years, putting us at -$33.48
So for 2024 I will now, again, accept donations from those inclined. Our annual maintenance is $400. Let's see what we can do. My intention is to post the list of donations and expenses here on this site, as I did last year. If donating, please indicate how you'd like the donation acknowledged (name, handle, or anonymous). Should we come up short for 2024, if necessary, I will cover the balance which I'm hoping will be $100 or less.
I prefer Paypal, but it seems last year most folks preferred to send a personal check, which I will accept. Send me a personal message for Paypal or mailing info.
A reminder. This is entirely voluntary, with no promises in return. Please don't stretch yourself or consider it an exchange for future access, goods, or services. Assume no refunds for any reason.
Thanks for participating in this forum in whatever capacity.

Thank you Rooney. I'll grab it in the morning. We were out when you dropped by.
PMs seem to be (fully) broken 🙁 I've contacted the webmaster, hopefully we can get that resolved.
I don't yet have Baldwin. My plan was to get it from Joanie, who says she has a good strain for me, but alas I haven't seen her in several years.
In editing this post I found it's now possible to edit and remove uploaded images like the one I previously loaded yesterday on your driveway!
Baldwin seems to be closer than Joanie if Daniel who has this donates a scion for each of us. I got this Baldwin information from his active blog which lists this as not attractive to insect damage if I remember seeing it right. But I haven't heard from him so maybe if members here have a way to get the word over to him to PM one of us then it's maybe simpler. Anyone curious how he lists the apple can see his blog under his icon > Daniel. Then search > baldwin or > Baldwin. Thanks.

Expenses for 2024:
-$33.48 carry over from 2023
-$400 for 2024 Webmaster (to be invoiced)
Donations (thank you). If you made a donation and don't see it accurately reflected below in a reasonable time, please contact me, or post here (without personal details):
$40 Dec 2023 check Anonymous
$300 Dec 2023 cash Anonymous
$25 Dec 2023 paypal sweepbjames
$60 Dec 2023 check cmullin
$25 Dec 2023 check Anonymous
$50 Dec 2023 check Anonymous
That looks like an even $500, so we're in the black by $66.52 if there are additional expenses for this year, or towards next year.
edit: 2/16/24
$50 Feb 2024 cash Anonymous
that puts us $116.52 positive.
Marsha H
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