andrewsph said
We are looking for a good (preferably used) orchard ladder in the Portland area. Would appreciate any suggestions. We are new to the area. The Hasegawa ladders look pretty interesting.Thanks!
Welcome to the forum andrewsph,
I hadn't heard of the Hasegawa ladders. Those look awefully nice, and don't cost as much of a premium as I might have thought.
I think Wilco and Coastal sell aluminum tripod orchard ladders. I've also seen used ones on Craig's List at reasonable prices for tall ones.
Theres also a place on Powell, I think, that sells ladders, tools, garden equipment. I've never been in, but see the ladders driving by.
Stark Street Lawn & Garden

Out here at some of the Midwest cherry farms there are Talmans and Stokes. The cherry managers say the Talmans last longer than the Stokes, due to the triangular third leg attachment method. The Stokes loosen up over the years and you get a wobbly third leg which causes accidents. I have a Talman and LOVE IT!

I agree with the Talman recommendation, I’ve had one myself, and it’s battle-tested It’s also lived outside most of it’s life, and no worse for ware. Twasn’t cheap, but quality rarely is. And they’re available in 2 foot increments, I believe.
My Talman's 8 feet, and very maneuverable. I’ve also had a 12 foot wooden orchard ladder, you’ll most often find the wooden ones used (sometimes real used), and they’re much heavier, thus awkward, and require more care.
I’m out of the loop regarding where to find a Talman, but suspect it’ll be a lifetime investment

I have a Tallman even though I am not a tall man. I agree. They are great. I also agree with Jafar's recommendation about Craig's List. There was a guy in Clackamas COunty that bought up like 200 of them off an orchard that was closing 🙁 and was storing them in his barn to sell. Since they hold up well, you should be able to get quite a discount on one. We have a 7 foot fiberglass four foot ladder, that I use a lot, and the 14 foot orchard ladder, that I need in certain circumstances. It's a good combo for me.
John S
Marsha H
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