I am seeing it on both my Asian pear trees. Smaller than a housefly, seems to jump more than fly when I disturb it. Oddly looks triangular; wings (if they are indeed wings) are black and clear striped. Its almost always running around on the fruit. Didn't see any on my plums a few weeks ago when they were still on the tree.
Pics attached (I hope)... not easy to photograph! You will have to zoom in to the photo.
Should I be worried? Anything I should do?
Thanks very much for any help in advance,
Maybe it's one of these pests of apple or of cherry
The images were hung on this site with descriptions for each:
I have never had much a problem with the first on any my asian pears these days.
I know it looks ugly but the markings are meant as a life saving measure to confuse other spiders into thinking these flies are another spider. There are other interesting notes on this other site from Mexico (link) that may be worth knowing as far as the mimic these flies are capable of.

Time to spray Sevin.
I was ready to chop down my apple trees because of apple maggots in every apple. I decided to spray in middle of June and middle of July and have greatly reduced the maggot to very few, they still seem to get into the Honeycrisp. I don’t know how much they bother Asian pears.
Marsha H
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