
My wife was growing basil in a container. I noticed that it was extremely yellow. Being who I am, I came up with a possible solution. Natural body fluids, which are high in nitrogen. I brushed the basil to the side and poured the liquid from a bottle. The basil greened up and grew quickly in about 2 days. My wife was shocked! It's more convenient for me than for her, of course. She got to harvest more of it as well. Yes, to some it may appear weird or repellent, but it's natural and it works.
John S

Apparently you are not a PionEEr in this well-researched field:
^ "A family of four can produce the equivalent of a 50kg bag of NPK fertilizer from urine alone every year. "
Various online numbers average about 11:1:3 NPK
Many years ago, I posted on another website about peecycling. It's a practice with a lot of proponents.
That led to a hot controversy on that website. The "anti" group was really forceful. One guy claimed he contacted my county health department (I doubt he actually did that).
I used to do that, but not for many years. I think it killed a couple of young trees, probably due to the salt content. Something killed those trees, anyway. I may not have diluted enough, or it might have been a medication.
In my area, people have horses, donkeys, cows, dogs, chickens. There are raccoons, lots of deer, lots of feral cats that definitely carry diseases. None of those critters use flush toilets.
We know where our septic system drainage field is, because the grass grows greener there.
The main home-sourced fertilizers that I use are compost, coffee grounds, crushed eggshell, and crushed chicken bone meal. Sometimes, wood ash in small amounts.
Marsha H
John S
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