One on the perry pear grafts I added to my pear tree this year is suffering from spotty leaves. I've been treating with fungicide (sulfur earlier in the year, and neem oil this last week), but it is still looking pretty bad.
The rest of the tree is doing great, including the other variety that was grafted on this year.
My question is, should I not take any chances and just give up on the graft this year? I've been reluctant to lop it off, but I also don't want it to infect the rest of the tree.

Perhaps this?: http://plantpath.caes.uga.edu/.....fSpot.html
It would help to see the whole tree. It may just be that this variety is more susceptible. I'm sure the whole tree has already been exposed.

Thanks! It does look like Entomosporium leaf spot based on the photo. The tree and that branch in particular get pretty good airflow.
The infected variety is Hendre Huffcap. The other graft is Yellow Huffcap and the bottom tiers are Bosc, Bartlett, and Red Bartlett.
At this point should I just keep treating it with neem oil and hope for the best?

I don't know, but the other branches do look super healthy and this is a small branch on the top tier. I just did a google search for the first response.
I might be inclined to try something else for that tier.
P.S. You have 3 attachments but only two are showing inline in the post. Did you do something different in the post with the middle picture (1722)?

That's the advice I was afraid of, but I had a sinking feeling it's what needed to be done.
The funny thing is that all my Google searches about Hendre Huffcap suggest that it is supposed to be very disease resistant.
I had originally attached three images, but decided one of them wasn't needed and deleted it from the message body... but I guess that didn't remove the original attachment.
Thanks again!
Marsha H
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