My wife got to the freeway. It took her 2 hours. Then they shut down the freeway because some trees had fallen on it. Then her school was cancelled. Mine was delayed 2 hours.
First April snow on record, unlike the Barbara Streisand song, "Evergreen": Like a rose, under the April snow............
John S

We got maybe 6-8 inches of accumulation, even though the temperature was around 37. It bent one of my loquat branch grafts real low, I thought it was broken, but it was just weighed down, and took a set just below horizontal.
Looks like I lost a Emerald Drop (supposed to be Emerald Beaut) branch but it was a small percentage of the tree. And also a branch of Sweet Treat pluerry, that may be 1/3 of that variety lost.
It's muddy and wet out there, snow still on the maybe 40% of the grass. Garbage collection postponed a day. School cancelled Monday, then 2 hours late the next two days.

We had some , say 3 inches of accumulation of snow. No damage to grafts so far. It started to rain later in the day, which melted all the snow. Sorry you guys had such a problem. I do wonder about pollicization though, but I think I won't really know until the summer. Stuff will either set fruit or less fruit or not.
We had and ice storm last year and I think it did in the male kiwi blossoms. We had lots of blooms but only one small fruit, and there were all kinds of bees all over the place. Everything else had lots of fruit. Apples, cherries, pears, plums, Asian pears, grapes and raspberries.

At our place we had cumulative snow Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday. Snow on Monday the 11th was the heaviest and it brought down a few more things in the woods,... mostly dead or dying, out-competed trees. The weight of that wet snow, though, had me worried about some of my favorite plants which were holding more weight than I could. Thankfully, most plants seem to be recovering, but SNOW in April is NOT something that I would expect. It just indicates how "whacky" the weather is getting. ... "Normal" is out the window, and the weather will get progressively more unpredictable.
I just wish that so many politicians weren't beholden to the fossil fuel industries that help to get them re-elected. ..."Don't vote the way that we want you to, and we won't give you any funding for your next re-election campaign...."
The global warming problem [thoroughly real to those in touch with the non-anthropogenic "reality"], will not be dealt with in sufficient time. Meanwhile, watch the weather reports for ever-less predictable weather.
I'll be here doing the best that I can to grow fruits and vegetables for home consumption, especially now that I've seen the ever increasing cost of food in the stores. Unbelievable! I don't need food that was grown on another continent and shipped on a freighter in order for me to eat it. Heck! I eat dandelion leaves in the springtime. Can't get fresher nutrient-rich food than that. It's time to bring diverse agriculture home. ...Same thing with manufacturing..... Gosh!.... Did I digress again?
Marsha H
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