Hi fellow home orchardists! As an eternal optimist (none of my grafts have EVER taken) I'm looking for scion wood. I can't make it to your scion exchange, and other attempts I've made to trade scions have not proven successful, so I thought I'd post here. Let me know if that's not appropriate. I don't have anything too exotic, so I'm happy to pay if there are no appealing exchange options. I'm in Canada, but I have not had any problem with sending or receiving scions across the border.
Apple scionwood: I have Florina, Jonafree, Karmijn de Sommeville, Margil and Liberty
Fig: I have Desert King.
Cherry: I have nanking cherry seeds.
Blueberries: I have Polaris and Northland
Currant: Pink Champagne
Grape: I have a vine that is either Reliance, Canadice, and Suffolk. Sadly, I don't know which as the label fell off.
Parafilm (I'm hoping this will contribute to better grafting luck)
Apple: I'm looking for Rubinette, Ashmead's Kernel, Fiesta and Suntan apple scionwood
Hardy Kiwi: I'm looking for males, Issai, and any variety other than Anna and Ken's Red (which I have, and am hoping to graft others onto.)
Fig: I'm interested in anything that would do well in the Pacific Northwest except for Brown Turkey.
Grape: I'm looking for Jupiter, Price, and NY Muscat cuttings
Thanks very much!

Here is a yahoo group I belong to for exchanging scion wood. I had great experiences trading last year with members of this group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/g.....nexchange/

I will trade you ashnead kernal for margil. Send me an email confirming this trade, with you address, and I will save it and mail you sticks after I prune.
Dan Wombles

Orange Pippen, thanks for the info. I don't understand the intricacies of fruit tree patents, but as I mentioned the info I got was from the Seattle Tree Fruit Society, which says the patent expired 12/24/2010: http://www.seattletreefruitsociety.com/ ... fiesta.pdf
Obviously the breeder would know when the patent actually expires, but if you aren't able to contact the breeder directly, how would you find out this information?

I don't have the scions you're looking for, but Malple Valley Orchards has Ashmead's Kernel scions for $3.00 each. Their website is http://www.maplevalleyorchards.com and they are shipping now. They sell rootstocks also.

I've asked the PVR holder and it seems the US rights expired either in Dec 2010 or Sept 2012 ... either way it has now expired in the USA (but not the UK / Europe).
So it seems PVR may be different in different countries, and it is probably only 20 years in the USA whereas it is 30 years in Europe.
Marsha H
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