We just moved to Damascus last October. We have 2 pear trees, 2 plum trees, 3 cherry trees and 5 apple trees on the property. The previous owners left us some details about what each tree was, but not what type or harvest times. We are not new to gardening, but are new to fruit trees.
Is there someone available at this organization that would be willing to come out and discuss what type of fruit trees we have and information about harvest times. We have already harvested one apple tree, one plum and the cherry trees, but the others are still mostly firm. I have had a bit of dropping too. After reading up on some basics, I now realize that I should have removed some fruit early onset to eliminate crowding. Seems late to do this now. We did do a major trimming early spring, as the previous owners hadn't done it for a few years (I think one plum tree is way too tall, but I might be wrong). We also have not done any spraying, as I need more information on this too.
After the move, we are finally getting settled to the point that I can focus on the yard and trees. I really want to take care of these trees and keep them healthy. I just need directions on the whats, whens, and hows!
Thank you for considering!
Laura Petchell
Damascus Oregon

Hi Laura,
Are you a member of the HOS?
You could bring the fruit to the All About Fruit Show and the ID team could probably identify it.
If you want someone to come out to your property and work with you and your garden, you would probably looking to hire someone.
It's not clear exactly what you want.
Good luck,
John S
Marsha H
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