Not to endorse a particular nursery, but the Raintree catalog has a lot of varieties available for fall shipping and planting. I like fall planting more than spring - give the roots a better chance to establish. Plums, figs, "unusuals", pawpaws, others.
I usually like Raintree. This spring they were slower than usual, but I would expect fall would be less challenging for them.
Oddly enough for me, I don't think I will be ordering any. I already have a few starts in containers that I have been fertigating for the summer, and ready to plant in ground when the hot season is over.
As an aside, if there is someone local who wants a fig tree or two, I have some in containers that are a couple of years old, that I want to give away. One is "Carini NOID" - reddish fig, average size, looks to be productive, not sure about how hardiness compares to standards in the PNW, one is "Atreano", and there are one or two unknowns. ALso a Lattarula, first year, might need to be kept sheltered the first year because the growth was late and not fully lignified yet. Lattarula is a standard for our climate. No charge accepted for tree or container, but I would accept a bag of organic potting soil or manure to replace what went into them. If you are interested in a start of Hollywood plum, I also have one of those to give away.
Marsha H
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