I've today realized that there may have been some PMs (Personal Messages) which were sent to me over the past year or so through the HOS Forum which I didn't see and was not aware of. Apparently, while I was "away" over the summer there were some re-structurings of the Forum site which I wasn't aware of and was too stupid to find. This is absolutely no fault of the person updating and improving the site. If you've sent me a PM and I never responded I can only apologize profusely. You'd be sending a PM to a dinosaur. We dinosaurs weren't cut out for this modern anthropogenic world and can't understand why -- year by year -- we dinosaurs are being left behind.
Just let it be known that if you sent me a PM, and I didn't send a response, it was nothing personal. I found that some messages which were also coming to me through normal email channels were automatically put in the "junk mail" folder. Not my fault. If I get a message I will do my best to respond. The only messages that I intentionally ignore are hate mail and true junk mail.
I just felt that I needed to express this because I do enjoy engaging with HOS Forum members.
...And here I am off topic again. As usual: my apologies.

I missed older PMs also, and assumed it was a personal failing. I have similar misses with Zoom messages and other apps on the computer.
But I wonder if there's something we can do to make them more visible, or if it can be configured to send an email when there are unacknowledged PMs.

I've gotten a couple of notices in my email indicating that you have sent me a PM. I've been unable to find them on the HOS site, and I also am NOT on twitter. The notifications were preceded by an "@" symbol suggesting to me that you might think I am. My apologies that I haven't been able to receive your messages. I hope that you see this because I just wanted to let you know.
Nevertheless, Greetings and best wishes to you.
Tim (Reinettes).
I don't belong to twitter and wasn't aware they use that symbol. I use it after seeing it's use put into practice on HOS. I also never sent you any emails or PM with that symbol in it. I will see into it why my computer via the keyboard is switching that symbol in place of the double quote symbol. I will see into looking now using a new HOS browsing session of some of my posts using my smartphone to dig more into it. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm glad that you saw the message. I hope that I'm not "doing anything wrong". After all, when it comes to computers and the "new" computer age, I'm just a lumbering Protoceratops trying to figure out why I no longer recognize the world around me; I guess it's time for me to go extinct. I look forward to your input. God knows I haven't been a very nice person lately.
Tim (Reinettes).
Marsha H
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