I had what I thought was a marvelous idea. In the spring I tilled and planted wild flowers, Sudan grass and alfalfa under and around my 65+- fruit tree orchard. Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Pears etc. It all grew thru the summer and near mid August I had grasses and flowers a yard high throughout the orchard. And then low and behold, I had massive ant armies in the trees, by the tens of thousands, as well as innumerable insects climbing up the grasses and flowers into the trees. I had to mow it all back.

Tilling around your fruit trees is something that I wouldn't do. Shallow roots get chopped. Instead, I would plant daffodils, leeks, comfrey, yarrow, dandelions, and other flowers around the dripline to keep out grass. Tilling kills useful mycorrizae and microbiology that the tree is using. Wildflowers could be good, but I wouldn't till.
John S
Marsha H
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