Dear fellow orchardists:
The LEAF (Linking Edible Arizona Forests) initiative is developing a website, online database and guidebook of fruit, berry and nut trees for Arizona (see mission statement below). We have many photos of edible tree species, but we are still missing a few for our spring publication deadline. We are specifically looking for artistic and accurate pictures of fruit, berries and nuts. Please see our "photos needed" list! We will not be able to pay, but photo credits will be given for all published photos, and a thousand copies of the guidebook will be distributed to public and private orchard enthusiasts statewide.
Thank you in advance! You may contact me at rdegrenade@gmail.com
The LEAF Network
The LEAF Network is a community-based organization affiliated with the nonprofit Arizona Community Tree Council. LEAF encourages and promotes the planting, care, harvesting, and celebration of edible trees, including native and cultivated species that yield fruit, pods, nuts and other products for people, wildlife and the environment.
The mission of the Linking Edible Arizona Forests (LEAF) Network is linking people with the benefits of edible trees, and edible trees with peoples' stewardship. The LEAF Network's efforts are intended to strengthen Arizona communities by helping to bring diverse groups of people together around the planting, care, use, and celebration of edible trees. The LEAF Network's role as a statewide network in Arizona is to help interconnect and amplify existing efforts and undertake new ones where needed. As such, the LEAF Network joins many other individuals, groups, agencies, academic institutions, businesses, and nonprofit organizations already working with edible trees.
Photos Needed!
Cherry, cultivated (Prunus avium (L.) L. or Prunus cerasus L.)
Currant, wild (Ribes aureum Pursh. or Ribes cereum Douglas; (Ribes inebrians Lindl.)
Gooseberry, wild (Ribes leptanthum A.Gray or Ribes inerme Rydb.)
Grape, cultivated (Vitis vinifera L.)
Hackberry, netleaf (Celtis reticulata Torr.)
Hawthorn, introduced, (Crataegus spp.)
Mulberry, cultivated (Morus nigra L., Morus rubra L. or Morus alba L.)
Plum, cultivated (Prunus domestica L. or Prunus salicina Lindl.)
Prickly pear, cultivated (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.)
Raspberry, cultivated (Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus L.)
Serviceberry, Utah (Amelanchier utahensis Koehne)
Sumac (Rhus microphylla Engelm. or Rhus trilobata Nutt.)
Marsha H
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