Birds are an obvious canditate, Starlings in particular. They'll peck away and bite out a sizeable hole. You can tell by the fact that the hole will be rough and jagged, instead of smooth. Or there will be multiple small pecking sites. The only solution is vigilance (live in your peach tree) or covering the tree with bird-proof netting which is expensive and difficult. Birds are a formidable enemy, do not underestimate them. If they want your trees' fruit, they won't stop until they get it.
Another candidate for the nibbles, earwigs. Earwigs are nocturnal and look for a dark place to hide during daylight. Provide rolled newspaper in the tree. Examine the newspaper to determine if any earwigs are present. If so, place the news paper where you have an aphid or other insect problem Earwigs are omnivores, like us, and will feed on the aphids.
Marsha H
John S
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