At the open house event at the HOS Arboretum last Saturday the 9th, a couple of things occurred to me around a brief chat with Dr. Ron Powell the North American Pawpaw Growers Association Presiding figure. 1. Being (the not-a-quick-study that I am) that I may not be tied into the less delicious tasting of my two varieties of pawpaw. That top working is possible and maybe potentially desirable.
Dr. Powell suggested that the Wilson variety had not for some time been appearing as a catalogue item, because it was comparatively not so tasty.
I was just beginning to appreciate the fact that Wilson set flowers starting a week earlier and continues to flower past the blooming period of my more favored Mango variety, allowing me to strategize on hand pollinating in a somewhat less frantic tact once I realize that time is at hand. Probably the reason this particular grouping (Mango and Wilson), as a gift from my kids, was offered at the time.
2. Someone in the Portland area reading this forum may have some Pawpaw budwood of a flavorful sort they would be willing to share. Varieties under trademark or copyright protection should be excluded from consideration until released from such, in deference to the breeding/trials work that all takes.

Hi James,
Fun to see you at the arboretum. My trees aren't very big. If you want to come by next year, they should be big enough to take a little bud wood. I've got Wells and Sunflower and some seedlings, although the seedlings are even smaller. I should get my first Sunflower fruit this year.
john S
Marsha H
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