There should be samples at the All About Fruit Show in Canby on October 17th and 18th. Most likely from seedlings. Last year, One Green World also had samples of pawpaw gelato (edit).
Sometimes if you are one of the volunteers at the event on Sunday afternoon you can take a few fruit home with you afterwards 🙂

Send me an email to plants at ledress dot com with your general location, then I will know if it is practical to try and get some paw paws to you from a tree a few blocks away--I may be trading with him for some feijoas. I noticed quite a few paw paws on that tree two weeks ago.
Otherwise, keep an eye on such places as Sheridan Fruit, and Portland Fruit & Produce, they sometimes have uncommon fruits.
Paw paws are around; there was a tree on Mt. Tabor some years ago. If I know of two trees just in SE Portland, there may be dozens in the city.

One of the problems is that most Americans move every 5 years, and the pawpaw trees can't move with them. Also, it takes several years (5 years?) for them to fruit. I would also try farmer's markets and places like Food Front or People's. Call first if you are focused on pawpaws.
JohN S
Marsha H
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