I have a 3 year old Pink Flair ornamental cherry tree that has considerable damage to the South-Southwest side of the bark about 12" long along the trunk. The trunk was never wrapped and I am afraid that frost split has caused wounds and that something more serious has set in (Canker?). Is it possible to save this tree at all? I've seen other posts that have similar pictures to mine and it was determined that there was Canker. Without knowing what I'm looking for I am just trying to get fresh eyes on my issue. Thanks!
I was able to look at your profile, but here's the thing. There is no indication this was caused by sub-freezing weather (ie. sunscald). If you were to have included where you were, for example Minnesota, then I would agree with the assessment of winter sunscald.
This picture is reformed from the last upload you did of the 12 inch scar and shows the part you said 'was never wrapped'.
If this happened in the hot summers around here then it happened during our extremely hot 2021 summer. Bark temperatures can skyrocket either from double reflection of winter snow on sunny winter days or summers when there is no shady branches to protect the bark. Either way it's kind of the same kind of scald and the white wrap (even white latex paint) could have prevented it.
I'm not sure if watering the roots with cold water is of much use. That last point is something unproven that happened to pop up out of no-where. But you get the idea. It should recover with some careful watering and special planning though. Here we have a high ebb of disease activation on trees right now. So if you are here if it's not spread all around the trunk (ie. possible girdling). Keep it as dry and/or warmed up as possible exposure right now in the hopes to starve the infection out first. Then considering a shady summer position for 2022 for Portland or anywhere near.
Answers Post

Thanks for the reply and info. I'm sorry I didn't add a location (I'm in Denver, CO). we definitely get the large temperature swings in the winter. Some days will be teens at night with 40-50's during the day. I did have the lower 12 or so inches of the trunk wrapped, but obviously not up where the damaged part of the tree is.
The damage is not all the way around the trunk. The north side of the trunk looks completely normal. I think I will try your suggestions and attempt to save the tree first before removing it.
Marsha H
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