I have kept an eye on the backyard orchard and it looks like I won't be as busy bagging this year as I was last year. I lost my GoldRush tree last year and my Rubinette does not seem to have many flowers this year. The Asian pear has fruit and I hope to start bagging soon. I checked my Honeysweet pear tree and discovered to my dismay that the baby fruits that I could see had signs of some kind of rust on them. I will have to inspect to see if all baby fruit have them and remove them, if so. The raspberries look like they have filled in again even though I always think I have thinned them. Blueberries - I have one young plant in a pot (that I meant to get into the ground last year....) that has a number of berries on it. The Duke blueberry is looking fairly good as well though it is a small plant.
Anyone else have orchard news?
Marsha H
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