A lot of us have been growing fruit actively for many years, but I'm not sure there is anyone of the stature of Nick BOtner. I'm not putting the rest of us down. I mean , what he's accomplished is amazing. It is like he's on a level above us mere mortals. I have a lot of respect for what he's done.
JohN S

John, what’s amazing is to have been around ‘long enough’ to have met many of the charter members, like Larry McGraw… http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cg ... d=33619541 ...and I can’t/ won’t attempt to name the many others who helped shape my orchard, or my view on life for that matter.
...as we slowly morph into societal elders I can only hope to fill out the shoes of those folks … including some very ..tolerant wives… Not that collecting fruit varieties isn’t a healthier pass time than many, but it’s remained obvious to me how the ‘truly great’ of our organization were fully supported by their spouses, both men & women, and what a pleasure and honor to have met both. Lots to live up to, for sure - but what a positive and productive legacy!
Marsha H
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