Many years ago when I was working at Hewlett Packard on SE 34th St. in Vancouver, I took cuttings from three old apple trees that were remnants from the days before Hewlett Packard bought the property. See marked photo below.
All three cuttings lived, and I creatively labeled them "HP West", "HP Middle", "HP East". Sadly the HP West tree was cut down in 2012.
This year for the first time the HP West graft produced a number of large and quite tasty apples. Anyone know or have a guess at the variety (see photos below)? Previously Jafar mentioned that one of these trees was supposedly Roxbury Russet, but I'm pretty sure HP West is not that.
Anyway I was pleased that an old "found" apple turned out to be quite good.
Happy apple hunting to you!
If you or anyone else close enough has any triploid apples they can save some seeds and a scion from for me it would be appreciated. What's wanted is data on germination rates so that I can hopefully factor in this data and try and finish one of my apple to asian pear grafting experiments.
If all goes the way I hope and like to see it that my selections of malus as an interstem and mixed with other apples will result in apomixis in the final malus cultivar in order to circumvent the grafting. In other words grow apple clones that are true to type from seed through a new strategy of using pyrus trees that nurture these apple mother clones.
So far in I have been able to self non selfing apples every year for quite some time and only when grafting said hybrid malus through the help of pyrus while excluding all pollen during the flowering process, and the results (ie. seedset) are impressive!!
Rooney said
Happy apple hunting to you!If you or anyone else close enough has any triploid apples they can save some seeds and a scion from for me it would be appreciated. What's wanted is data on germination rates so that I can hopefully factor in this data and try and finish one of my apple to asian pear grafting experiments.
If all goes the way I hope and like to see it that my selections of malus as an interstem and mixed with other apples will result in apomixis in the final malus cultivar in order to circumvent the grafting. In other words grow apple clones that are true to type from seed through a new strategy of using pyrus trees that nurture these apple mother clones.
So far in I have been able to self non selfing apples every year for quite some time and only when grafting said hybrid malus through the help of pyrus while excluding all pollen during the flowering process, and the results (ie. seedset) are impressive!!
I don't know much about all of that, but according to my records I do have a Gravenstein grafted on one of my trees (which is on this list of triploid apples https://www.orangepippintrees......-varieties). I'll see if it is big enough for cutting scions. It probably is. I am also wondering if HP West might be Gravenstein.

Rooney. I have Bramley's Seedling. You are welcome to collect scion and can come get some apples if you'd like. I can't commit to collecting and saving stuff right now.
Are you saying that you can get apples with seeds that will produce clones by growing the apple on a pear understock? You've grown the seedlings to produce fruit that are identical to the parent?
jafar said
Rooney. ... Are you saying that you can get apples with seeds that will produce clones by growing the apple on a pear understock? You've grown the seedlings to produce fruit that are identical to the parent?
I am hoping to find out whats going on and why self fertility is even possible when using apples that are not normally self fertile when grafted to the traditional apple rootstocks but are when grafted to pyrus.
It's too premature to know yet if they are identical copies (ie. apomixis) or if they become random selfers this way on my pyrus experiment.
At Dave: The link you placed above lists triploid jonagold and I bought 7 at safeway this morning.
So thanks to you both I can now look for evidence in a much broader light by gathering more data from one generation to the next. I will get hold of you (jafar) later when we are both in town.
Note: 'HP west' apple may well be triploid gravestein as per example-4 if you substitute bramely for gravestein.
Marsha H
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