Excellent photo Dubyadee! After a freezing night, I love to stroll in our woods with the dog and see things like this. It's sorta like a little cotton candy machine of ice. (No calories!)
I'm not fond of the cold, but there are wintertime sights that will always give me a sense of wonder. In this case I understand how the strands are made, but some of the ice patterns on the surfaces of puddles, or even on a car windshield, are so incredibly ornate and exquisite that I can never lose that child-like fascination, awe, wonder, and appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Sorry for the interruption, folks, but I just ran across this on the BBC and it well illustrates what I was talking about in my previous utterances:
A photographer in the Scottish Highlands who apparently sees the world as I do.

What a doggone BUMMER! I also forwarded the site to my wife's account and she saw it and really liked it. I just don't get it! On the BBC site I'm also getting a 404 error code, and all sorts of search words are failing to excavate it.
Doggone internet! I prefer etchings on rocks. THEY at least seem to last awhile.

The page is still there, the link above had an extraneous '>'.
Here is the twitter page of the same photographer, Lisa Wood, with more photos
Zone 6a in the moraines of eastern Connecticut.

Crankyankee -- Thank you so VERY much for pulling those up for others to see! There's nothing worse than wanting to share something wonderful with others and then... nothin'!....
GH -- If we get the kind of week(-end) that the all-knowing meteorologists are predicting, your best chance of seeing hair ice is to wander into the woods where there are dead, fallen branches and twigs laying about on the ground. I hope that you see some. I don't like the cold. I don't like freezing weather. But there are some wonders that you can only see in the crisp, briskness of wintertime.
Marsha H
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