Good question...
But speaking of which:
Fruit Tree Grafting Class
Saturday, February 21st, in Clairmont room 118, Clackamas Community College.
9am - 10:20am Beginning
10:45am - 12:05pm Beginning
12:45pm - 2:05pm Intermediate
Beginning: Veteran grafters & members of the Home Orchard Society cover the basics of grafting, including hands-on experience with grafting your own fruit tree. You will receive an apple rootstock and your choice from several varieties of scion wood. Please bring a straight-edged knife.
Intermediate: This session will cover more advanced grafting methods, including: Cleft graft, Kerf graft, Bark graft, Side-Bark graft, Bark Inarching and invent your own.†Again, you will be provided with a rootstock and scion wood. Please bring your straight-edged knife.
All classes in Clairmont Hall, Clackamas Community College, $15 per session. Pre-registration is through Clackamas Community College, NOT the Home Orchard Society. Download a Registration Flyer Questions? Email or call 503-657-6958 x 2246
usually they provide a dwarfing apple rootstock (M9 or similar), and some 5-8 different apple varieties to choose for grafting on top. i don't think there is usually much choice between different species of fruit rootstocks. for that you need to come march 7th to our Fruit Propagation Fair....
Just received this from Joanie Cooper:
The rootstock provided for the grafting class is apple, M-9. That is the only rootstock available on that day. If there is any left over after the classes, someone can purchase it at the same price we sell at the Prop. Fair, which is $4. for members and $5.for non-members.
Marsha H
John S
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