Try making folder views on image uploads visible to individual accounts ...after they log in (if-or where ever possible). The forums directory views were once opened so that anybody could see all that administrators could see which was over 5 years ago. It's changed now to the extent that not even the user that's logged in can see their own uploads. Not really a fair process, especially if the user lost the post image URL (a path) and file name in the process of entry of text manipulation.
The seed of an idea to plant is to make hidden file paths visible to a logged in individual as far as only their own directory paths and help them restore a broken path or at least gain some confidence that the upload was a successful event.
Update: Now that I have played with the edit box I can see that there are directory path access after the point in time that a posting is in process which switches are organized in scripts, leaving it unlikely that Wordpress will put it back in the Document Object Model the way it used to.
I will update to JeanW who had found her upload then lost her path this morning.
JeanW: I found that as a post is being composed or edited there is an easy function always available when composing that will restore the image. The method available to find the image if it got loaded is almost like inserting and deleting used or newer versions of yellow smiley icons.
Hi Rooney,
To clarify: I think you are asking to have access to the URLs of images that you have uploaded to your topics/replies. I can help you with that. It might be a little tricky, but totally doable! Please follow these instructions:
- Once you are logged in, navigate to your profile: https://forums.homeorchardsoci.....s/profile/
- Click on the "Attachments" link (5th menu item under Profile)
- There you should see a link for Image Uploads on the left and on the right you will see a list of years. They will correspond to the years in which you have uploaded photos.
- You can expand any year, such as 2021. You have to click on the arrow on the left side of the year to get it to expand.
- Once the year expands you can see a list of months in that year corresponding to months when you have uploaded images.
- Expand the month you want to look at in the same manner as #4 above.
- There you will see a list of images uploaded in that month. From there you can see the image file name.
- Take your username, the year, the month and the filename that you see and insert them into this URL. Then you should be able to retrieve/link to the originally uploaded image.
For example, the URL of your most recent photo upload would look like this:
I hope this helps!
Answers Post
Marsha H
1 Guest(s)