Being a bit slow on the uptake on the wonders of this electronic age, I just subscribed to my first RSS feed. It doesn't feed me often, or much, and I thought I could have other groups I try to follow shake me awake when something new comes in, too.
Steven, I assume this is in your bailiwick. Is it something HOS would consider adding to the Forum? (I've tried to put it as a poll question, and we'll see how well I succeeded...)

Hi Marsha,
Welcome to the wonderful world of RSS. I'm sure it won't be long before you have over a hundred feeds like I do.
Actually there is already a feed for the forums: ... topics.xml
You can also get a feed for the articles (though lately there has only been a new article every few months): ... ticles.xml
I should try and make these more prominate, I think the only place to find out about the forum feed is via the orange feed icon on the home page ( )
Got it, thank you. I was surprised when I didn't find the link, and am not at all surprised to learn that, well, I just didn't look very hard. I do have a bookmark directly to the forums, so I only rarely see the home page. Probably should sprinkle them in other likely entry spots. Thanks again,
Marsha H
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