I need to update my email for HOS News but I can't figure out how.
I can't find a subscribe link on the HOS website or I'd just sub the new addy and unsub the old.
The News has an unsub-only link but no way to change a sub.
I know I'm missing something somewhere so if someone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
Europa / Cate

Hi Europa,
Welcome to the forum. When you say "HOS News" do you mean the quarterly newsletter "The Pome News"? That comes in the snail mail.
If you mean the emails, I would go to the website, click on contact, and fill out the form.
Please respond back if that doesn't work for you, because I can contact someone higher up on the food chain than I am.
John S

I was referring to the emailed events newsletter titled "HOS News".
I just tried the 'Contact' page (again!) and the Captcha graphic is still not displaying and, not being able to magically know what to type in the Captcha text-entry box, I was (again!) unable to get the form to accept the submission.
That said, I tried again and this time pulled the page source and found the name of the .png that was _supposed_ to display, did a copy-and-paste into said text-entry box and ... voila! ... it worked! (Surprised me!) It presented the necessary graphic, I entered the code into the text-box and was able to submit my request which was accepted by the form which returned a confirmation. Yay!
Hopefully, I'll get an answer soon and will be able to switch my sub for the elist to my now-preferred addy. 🙂
That fetch function really needs to get fixed .... It's been inoperable for about a year or so. :-p
Marsha H
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