I wonder if it is possible to retrieve and archive them here, or if they are just gone electro-magically forever at this point. Good guidance on really a lot of fruit growing/care subjects/ pruning- trellising, thoughtfully presented by Home Orchard Society members over the time. I particularly yearly would like to study up on the kiwi pruning article prior to visiting my neighbors hardy vines (2) for that bit of instruction. There’s a wealth of mostly overlooked, (as it seemed almost hidden unless drilled down to), hopefully accessible still, information there.
John? Jafar? Webmaster?
The content that had been uploaded is still to be found. For example if you wanted to find an index of how much rain you get in Oregon then go to page-4 per upload:
Since the directory pages that were hosted went away you now need to look through google the way I did to get them. To invoke a search go here,
site:homeorchardsociety.org/wp-content/uploads *pdf
, and download them before they disappear.

I joined the HOS Forum (right about the same time that the "new Forum" was being started) by actually googling a question that I had which answer was to be found in the "Old" Forum. It would be a shame to lose the previous posts that were made in the Forum because, as pointed out by others, there's a wealth of information that was recorded there by various members of the HOS on a broad diversity of topics.
It may not always be the most accurate, but it is the cumulative experience of an individual in a given site and circumstance which can be profoundly useful for someone in a similar ecological circumstance. An idea proffered by one experienced grower may influence another novice grower to try something different, and meet with success due to the experience of another.
When it comes to successfully cultivating fruit trees and bush fruits in our local climate, the experience of others is of vital importance!
If the earliest and latest of the Forum posts can be retained and made available, those postings are definitely worth the while of preservation and accessibility for other neophytes. It's all about learning, and we learn from each other.
Its my understanding that the old website data is not going offline and will remain available, even if index pages are not there.
If someone wants to put together a new index list on the forums, or as its own page even, I'd be happy to help. I can export a list of links to past posts on the old site as a excel spreadsheet if someone wants to sift through them, etc.
In any case Googling as Rooney suggested is an option and those links won't be going away anytime soon as far as I understand.

I suppose I'm "hand-wringing" for no good reason. It has become clear to me that digital data will be preserved by the government and by various multinational corporations in (presumably) perpetuity. I guess that the only difference will be whether it is still available to the average person, or whether it will become proprietary data by those who maintain it. ..... Not a happy thought, but just an objective assessment. Once it's "out there," it may no longer be yours.
Marsha H
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