For every new unread topic that I look to, after being logged in, the screen refreshes and I see my login button as though I hadn't logged in at all. Is this happening because I may leave myself logged in occasionally or more often; although I try to logout after a session, I get distracted.
Wondering if it has to do with the recent spam plant, if it's some internal forum cleansing protocol or if it's something to be more concerned about.

About 3 days ago, I was going to respond to a post, but the dang thing kept kickin' me out. Before I could actually go back to the post and type my response, I found that I was already no longer logged in!
Funky stuff! Is this the way it's going to be into the future on the HOS Forum? It's certainly dissuasive as far as feedback or contributions. Glad it wasn't just me.... though it's sad that we're having the problem....

Pretty sure I've stuck my foot in it, again. I no longer harbor the hope that this is some sort of gate keeping protocol. I don't think this is supposed to be happening.
Not being any kind of tech savvy. I'm just posting my experience, hoping that it may be useful to those-who-know (TWK) what to do to get it fixed.
Meanwhile, I've been messing with using the back-to-the-previous-screen button. I can return to a logged on screen and select another topic from the list of unread postings (that resulting screen will read as not logged in). The site won't register that I'd visited any of the pages visited in this manner, and if wishing to respond I'd still have to login again from the page I'm wanting to respond to.
I'm anxious for a resolution. Have heard 2nd hand that TWK are aware of the problem and working to get it fixed. I remember the old b&w television test patterns that came on the screen with the "Please Stand By" message. I'd feel better seeing something of that sort appropriate to this telecommunications venue. Maybe a message here from TWK (those-who-know), moderators, web-wizards...
'til then I guess I'll just keep trying to figure out how to break up run-on sentences with commas and hyphens.
To navigate forums of any sort it is essential to never go backwards to an old cached page. When you do you usually get an "expired page" warning. I appreciate everything you explained in your backwards navigation, and I had exactly the same expected thing happen.
If you want everything to remember your page visits properly then go the way I know they expect us to work this for now and works for me. The way it has been starting last week (and what works to me) starts by describing a "read-only login", then in a sec will describe the "sumbission login" which in the latter requires a username and pre-registery.
The read-only version for all intensive purposes is strictly associated with the person page history display of topics visited whether it be by guest or registered person but I know for sure it works in the mode of my registered name for me after I login to the first public forum because my name is registered as online at bottom.
In read-only as registered (at this point) you can navigate to any topic but after reading always go back to the first list page by going forwards. That way your case history is flawless.
Next is how I find my experience with "submission mode"...
Submission-mode and logging in for a post:
The login button is a necessary step to activate before posting.
The page is properly showing your login user name at the bottom. The submission of your post will work and then subsequently not allow you to use another submission until you login again. So as it is now you can go forwards to any topic or the same topic and re-enter in your login credentials as a one time thing.
The first sign that something is indeed wrong here (James being correct) is there is no ability to invoke the edit button to at any point make changes to your posts. So I see that James knows these bugs are being worked on.

I logged in and navigated around a bit in the General forum. I seemed to stay logged in, and had the reply button active as an option.
When I opened this thread in the Forum Suggestions and Support board, I was logged out and had to log in again to make this post.
I'm a moderator.
Edit: after some more hopping about on the two forums I appear to remain logged in on both and have the "reply" option active.

Thanks Jafar.
I'm taking a step back out onto where angels fear to tread.... Or is it where fools dare to tread?... I don't know. I've never been very good at quotations. Anyway, I'll check some of the postings and "give it a whirl." Hopefully matters are reasonably back to normal.

OK. I went around the block a couple of times (--nearly hit a tree--), but it looks to me like "things" are pretty much back to normal. I love the computer age.... Does anyone have a typewriter in good condition for sale?
Thanks Idyllwild and anyone else who helped resolve the problem. Much appreciated by those of us who check-in from time to time.

Idyllwild said
I believe that I have solved the logging out issue. Can you confirm if this is still happening for you?If it started happening last week it may have been an inadvertent side effect of moving the website to our new servers, which happened on June 8th.
The site response seems to be functioning in the favored manner.
Thanks for your successful efforts; and going forward.
James B

Idyllwild said
I am very glad that solved the logging out problem you all were facing!Sorry no typewriters here 🙂
No typewriters? Darn.
Back about 1983-4, I had a job where I used an IBM Selectric for some things, but was also occasionally put on "some kind of contraption" that was kind of a computerized thing for "word processing". One of the things that I most wanted "for my own" was an IBM Selectric!
As I get older, I'm getting a few glimpses of what my parents and grandparents went through during their lifetimes.
Make carbon paper Great Again!
Marsha H
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