I had noticed the catkins forming in filbert orchards just north of Canby, Oregon a few weeks ago,
the past six consecutive days in the area have been 50+ degrees, with honeybees on the rosemary
during sunny spells.
An simple math problem this time, 5+1. The +1s are too easy.

One year I tried to start some oak seedlings by planting some acorns and then placing an old window screen over the planting. Squirrels tore through the screen at every acorn and dug them out. Now when I plant nuts I plant in pots and put the pots in an old rabbit cage.
My filbert trees are stripped bare of nuts by squirrels by Labor Day every year. I find filbert seedlings all over the yard. Once the filberts are bare they start on the walnut trees.

For open-ground planting, metal hardware cloth must be staked over the area; lighter-weight metal or any plastic will be chewed through.
The orchardists around here must know a few tricks; I never see any dead squirrels on the roadway adjacent to the filbert orchards even though there is the occasional dead skunk, bird, etc.
Squirrels are very easy to trap.
Marsha H
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