Hey S. J... sorry nobodies answered this one yet . YES! That would be a fine time to spray your dormant fruit trees. ...and you wouldn't be crawling back into them and smelling like rotten eggs. Any time after the leaves have fallen it's safe to use lime sulfur. I've always mixed it with dormant spray oil, have never had any problems, and get the two sprayings done at once.
Though I'm getting this answer to you way late... it's not too late to spray both. But if you've begun to see bud-swelling or any "green" tender growth beginning to emerge - I'd avoid it The dormant oil shouldn't cause any harm, but lime sulfur can burn plant tissue. Looking around my orchard, the only fruit trees (as of right now) "pushing" are some Japanese Plums; so I'd spray everything else if you haven't already.
Sorry to have missed you question... but there's always next year, and if you're pruning your trees - you've done the most important winter task!
Marsha H
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