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Did you go to the Scion Exchange
183 Posts
March 7, 2005 - 4:04 pm

If you went to the Scion Exchange, what did you get, or rather, how many trees did you get? If there was something we could do to improve or just do different we want to know!

Tell us in this topic.

1409 Posts
March 8, 2005 - 11:46 am

I'll kick this off! It was a foggy drive to Canby, but at least this year I knew how to find it. The Usual Suspect's were hard at work by 8:30 AM as I wagoned my grafting goodies back to our allotted tables. Procured some new "Mariana" Rootstock to make some "Red-Ace" plums... I was told the nurseries were all going to this new plum / peach rootstock. "Is it any good," I asked? "Nurseries don't change for no reason," came the answer!
Back to my Station: and just as the grafting gossip was getting deep - the rush was on! Years ago I'd notice people sizing me up, I looked a bit young to be there... but the years have taken care of that, and apparently I "look the part" cause it was non-stop whittling for the nest 6 hours!
It appears our HOS grafting classes are quite successful; our customers are just bringing the hard stuff to us! The last twiggy growth of a dying rare peach tree, with a sincere request to "save it," will always bring out the best in me~ And there's nothing like the enthusiasm of satisfied customers returning to have you, "do some more!"
My only "break" came while running to my truck to grab my new (low magnification) reading glasses so as to perform micro-surgery on these difficult grafts. Doing an equal number of "cleft grafts," - to the usual (and much quicker) "whip & tongue," - I'd joke that they'd just received a $6 graft for just $3! "Should I pay you?" Their innocent answer did! (no, you're fine 8) ) We only had a couple of "casualties" among the grafters... I'd never seen such carnage, and won't name names, but I'd just "jokingly" nailed a box of Band-Aids to the wall under our grafting signs! The boys were still smiling - and grafting - if not bleeding!
With my run through the Fair-plex - the event looked impressive. Goodies galore & guest speakers upstairs! Unable to go 9 hours without food, I'd gorged between customers on cold pizza... so when time came for the Post-event Dinner - I was full~ But not too full to taste-test some cider at the informal "tailgater" outside. I don't remember which "batch" was my favorite; but I do remember...
Any Members interested in participating may simply ask; there are always niches & needs. And for those I only see at this yearly event: wasn't it a Blast? - & see you next year!

138 Posts
March 9, 2005 - 2:41 pm

I went, it's only a 5-minute drive for me, so no excuse not to go. I went to listen to the guest speakers. They were alternately boring and interesting. But most certainly worthwhile. If I pick up just a few pieces of new information I consider it a success. For example Ted's talk reminded me that I could kerf my pear-tree branches to get them to spread out more. I will absolutely be doing that this year.
I didn't buy any trees or do any grafting cuz I have plenty already. However that guy from One Green World has got me convinced, for the moment, to plant a pineapple guava, and maybe a persimmon too. Dammit!

4 Posts
May 16, 2005 - 5:24 pm

I don't know if you are still looking for feedback. My wife and I went and grafted 9 trees. 1 pear, 1 peach, 1 plum and 6 apple.

The peach seems not to have survived. I believe the scion was too small of diameter for the root stock. The person who helped me said it was questionable if it would make it. Too bad. That was the tree I wanted most!! :(

I nearly killed the plum with overspray when killing some nearby weeds. However, I carefully removed the dying leaves and it seems to be coming back allbeit rather weakly.

The apples all look great.

At what point do I pluck all but one of the sprouting leaves above the graft? Most of them are a couple of inches long at this point.

Some of the apple leaves are beginning to curl up. Do I need to be spraying them? With what?

1409 Posts
May 17, 2005 - 2:16 pm

Hi Lloyd, it sounds like you had one of the HOS Grafters do-up your trees? If so, I may have helped you... (I was wearing my "Luelling Memorial Chapter" button: Viron) I remember some very tiny twig-like peach scions for a couple of "customers."
Anyway, is the peach rootstock still alive? If it sends up any growth from below the dead scion - let it grow! That growth will keep the roots alive, and later this summer you may Bud Graft onto the "original" rootstock (not the new growth). I suggest you take the HOS Budding Workshop, then procure some of the peach wood you had and graft (it's not that difficult) it on below the dead scion. Peach trees are established this way, they're poor candidates for the "brutal" top-work bench grafting done while dormant.
"Plucking leaves" off the surviving grafts? We generally leave 2 or 3 buds per grafted scion; occasionally one will naturally become dominate, usually the top one. If the other's are competing equally, simply "Pinch" out their tip growth - leaving the already formed leaves to help fuel growth & healing. That will usually do it, and the remaining (one) stem will become dominate. If a lower shoot is doing better, leave it - always pinching out the weaker of the two (or 3).

Often shoots (or viable buds) will sprout from below the graft - on the rootstock. You may "rub" them off, but I simply do the same as above - pinch out their top most growth, leaving the formed leaves to feed the tree.
Those curling apple leaves... Do you see anything responsible for that underneath the leaves? With a tree that small, I carefully rub each leaf between my finger and thumb - crushing any offending critters. Reluctant to spray something that tender, I have less experience and hope someone else might suggest a remedy. Just baby 'em good!

PS: Anyone with questions or observations regarding grafts done at our Scion Exchange - please keep "us" informed! We love the feedback (at least 90% of the time), and we're still learning too 8) Viron.

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