An "All About Fruit Show" introduced me to the HOS many years ago. It was Impressive! I learned so much that I maxed-out my two acre orchard with suggested varieties; and I haven't been back... I am a member, but have always felt so overwhelmed by the volume and quality of fruit there ~ mine just couldn't "compete."
For anyone "new" to this - it's the first place to go! View, touch, and taste what you'd like; then come see me / us at the HOS Scion Exchange next Spring! Bring, or find your scion variety, get your rootstock, and if you don't quite feel up to it, bring it over to our grafting department and we'll (for a nominal fee) put it together for you.
Then you too can show me up at the Fair!

I went to the fruit show in 2004 as a Master Gardener volunteer. Needless to say, all the HOS members were much more knowledgeable than I about fruit growing (and many other things!). I loved seeing all the varieties of fruits and talking with the growers. Tasting was a bonus. I just wish there had been more variety of apples to purchase. It was a great event, something a lot of families might enjoy. Has the event ever been held closer to Portland?
Marsha H
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