Cosmic Crisp trees are being sold only to Washington state residents. My understanding is that this will last for ten years, so they probably won't be available for out-of-state purchase until 2027.
A possible consolation for you is the uncertainty of how a tree would fare in your climate. As far as I can ascertain, they've only been grown in the apple-producing regions of Washington state. I live in southwestern Washington and planted a tree in 2018. Now I'm reading that in some years Cosmic Crisp apples may not ripen in my location, even though we usually have a long frost-free period. That seems odd since its parents are Enterprise and Honeycrisp, but maybe it has more to do with summer heat? Knowing this ahead of time would not have kept me from planting a tree, though.
Maybe by the time Cosmic Crisp trees are released to other states, more will be known about what conditions are needed both for growth and apple production. I'm hoping that they prove to have good disease resistance, as well.
Marsha H
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