I planted one of your CS tip-rooted plants some weeks ago. A squirrel got to the other one.
Also have 6 from tissue culture in the ground. Have been picking Obsidian since 1 July
-- the same date I finished this variety last year. Black Diamond is starting to ripen.
I think the two hot days in June bothered the Obsidian; primocane growth ceased and
the fruit farther down the canes is stunted. Other varieties unaffected.
Picked ~5 pounds red raspberries at Albeke Farms yesterday. Their Boysens were
turning color and are about a week+ out.

We have Himalayan blackberry patches, so I've never bothered growing any domesticated blackberries. There is another blackberry with serrated leaves, maybe native to the area(?), that grows here also. Between the two we have more frozen blackberries than we can possibly use.
I've read that thornless blackberries aren't as flavorful, but that may be inaccurate or may possibly be outdated information and may only pertain to some older varieties. We had a thornless blackberry growing on our property, an unknown variety, and it was tasteless; the berries were large, too, so it was a big disappointment.

Hello Jafar. I still have your tip-root and the 6 tissue culture plants growing.
Your tip-root remains the most vigorous of the lot, putting out 3 or 4 sturdy primocanes per year, usually well over 10 feet long.
One of the cultured plants has not put out any significant primocanes this year.
First picking of Columbia Star was yesterday, compared to 5 July last year.
This variety has had some problems here with narrow stem-end of the fruit that is stubborn to get past red phase
and tends to drop prematurely. Best feature is its nearly "seedless" mouthfeel, similar or exceeding red raspberries.
Some of my varieties may suffer from crowding. Although the berry patch is in full sun, some understory varieties (Logan, Boysen) are partially shaded out.
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Marsha H
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