I was wondering if someone could confirm that these little dots are coddling moth stings? The stings are filled in with kaolin clay. I have cut up, 30 or so apples that I thinned, to see if I could see if there was an invasion of the larva.... 1 out of 30...... So I put 288 footies on and sprayed the clay another 3 times.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Dan or
Umatilla county, Oregon

well, since no one else has "jumped in" I would say, "yeah, they kind of look like stings from codling moth."
the problem is, as I understand it, that it is still early in the season......and while a few eggs might be hatching from the codling moths in your area, I don't think too many eggs are hatching.....shucks, a lot of the codling moth from the first generation haven't even begun to fly yet.....let alone mate and lay eggs.
For those who haven't put on the foot sox yet, maybe kaolin clay or neem oil would be helpful to put on right now for the first generation until you get the foot sox on or get your spray program going, eh? am open to hear how others do it.

On second thought, I did not think about this....you are posting from Umatilla, Oregon......my recollection (without researching it) is that you are way earlier there with your fruit than we are in Western Washington or Oregon......in fact, I think some of the earliest cherries ripen down in those parts sometime in early June, as I recall....while we don't get cherries until July.
Therefore, if my second thoughts are correct, you could indeed be experiencing a fair amount of codling moth flight on the apples as well right now.......please let me know

Very cool data collection from OSU extension about 50 miles east of Umatilla
dan or
Marsha H
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