You’re over East, like me … cept several hundred miles North; I’m on the Blue Ridge in Virginia.. Searching online, my guess would be ‘Cherry Blossom Wilt.’ Here’s some of what I found:
“Blossom wilt is a fungal disease of apples, pears, plums, cherries and related ornamental trees. It kills blossoms, spurs and small branches.”
“You may see the following symptoms: Brown and shriveled blossoms and leaves on the fruiting spurs at flowering time. Small, buff-colored pustules of the causal fungi on dead tissues. Usually seen under wet conditions.”
-- Online photos look similar to your cherry tree’s condition. If you were in Ontario Oregon … maybe not.. But over East, it seems to be a good year for fungus & bacteria If you’ve not yanked it, you can search further for possibilities and recommendations..
Marsha H
John S
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