This is your chance to comment before we make a significant change to the forum structure. Currently we have the legacy forum from back before around 2015, separate and closed. It's there for reference.
Our admin has proposed, and the moderators think it's a great idea, to fold the old forum threads into the current one. They will be again active for posting, but more importantly, you can interact with them just like the main forum including searching.
This should also make it more straightforward for us to decide how to proceed for 2023 and beyond, when our current administration arrangement expires.
We'll aim to do the transition by April 11th. If you have comment or concern, please post here or contact me.

I wonder if the fruit growing articles, accessed from the front page of the old Home Orchard Society website, could somehow be rolled into that change. Most if not all of the articles were written by members, I would use them regularly as a reference when preparing for specific tasks like pruning my neighbors Hayward kiwi. The fruit growing articles were really a hidden gem of the website near as I can tell. At least the way my brain works with colors or setup or left to right orientation or such, I think it took me some years to even discover there were articles… there was no two ways about it, and the text just kind of camouflaged into the background. I would bet that even among long term Home Orchard Society members on this forum the numbers among them that had ‘found’ their way to the fruit growing articles would be a small percentage; of those finding value to the information there, I’d say, would be a high percentage.
I asked the question, when the original Home Orchard Society website was going offline, as to whether that information could be made accessible. I believe an answer that it all remains somewhere layered in the cloud or some such equally mystifying to me, not one wit of any sort of computer programming or coding savvy, unraveling the how to get there being not something that I have much interest in pursuing. Thinking that a few keystrokes from those knowledgeable might be able to incorporate access to those tasty tidbits. There might be even an article around apple bloom times written by Ted Swenson, or maybe not, hard to say, haven’t seen the article index for some time. If so, I suppose we might have to revisit if there were an original license to use said articles, or if there was a stated or implied consent to use in the ‘commons’, and if that still applies. Don’t know if any was copyrighted or all public domain. And, I hope that idea does not stop the looking into the request. I’d imagine originally the articles were donated to the Home Orchard Society ‘Commons’.

Hi Jafar,
I have pondered whether or not to ask this question for the last couple of years, but I guess that I didn't want to know the answer: ....
When the HOS folded in 2020, but in doing so they very generously provided funds to keep the [HOS] Forum going, I presume that you were one of the few people who knew the quantity of the finances provided. I've wondered for quite some time just how long such funding would last, and whether at some point active Forum members might need to start thinking about some kind of "fund-raising" efforts to keep it afloat....
If there is funding for keeping the Forum alive for awhile, and an opportunity to actually re-incorporate earlier forum postings, I think that would be terrific! There are probably some informative "nuggets" back in the old posts.
Keep us posted, and good luck!

Reinettes, we paid through 2022. I figure by July we should be planning how we want to go forward in 2023.
The admin is open to negotiating perhaps scaled back ongoing support, or facilitating the transition to the next stage - and has offered to be flexible. Dec 31, 11:59 PM won't necessarily be lights out if we haven't quite sorted everything yet.
And James, I don't think the articles and such were deleted, but also weren't agreed to be be carried forward. I may be able to look into it some more when I get a chance.
Marsha H
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