This has been my best year yet for storage fruit.
I have a lot of fruit that I froze, but that's not what I'm talking about in this post.
I am interested in which apples/other fruits have stored best for you this year without refrigeration, freezing, drying, pickling, fermenting, or with any other special method. I am curious about which fruit have stored best for you just by leaving them as is. Cold storage, out building, bags, north side of the house, etc. but not the others.
I think apples are the biggest volume of storage fruit I have. I had many varieties that I stored. Some, like Karmijn, were too few and too tasty yet to store. In a few years I'll store it. Some were apples that I grafted long ago, and failed to label well, and so I don't know what they were. Spitzenburg was a good keeper for me this year. I kept a lot and they lasted til January I think. Suntan was pretty good. They lasted about the same time. Orleans was a bit longer. The three that have lasted the longest for me were Gold Rush, Belle de Boskoop, and Winesap. I just finished up Gold Rush, and they were great when I ate the last one last week. Belle de Boskoop has been great and I still have a few left. I have needed to eat some of those as they were starting to go. The overall champ for me has been Winesap, which has the largest number of apples still (April 10th), still taste good, and I have hardly needed to eat any because they were in bad shape.
I still have a few flowering quince fruit, but most have started to rot. I chop them up and drink the water as a kind of lemonade. I just grafted Johantorp pear, which is supposed to be a good keeper, but I haven't harvested any yet, obviously. I grow Carriere hawthorns, which you can keep on the tree until February, depending on the year.
I am very curious to hear what your best keepers were.
John S

#1 - Fuzzy Kiwi. Sit in a box in the garage - they deteriorated in mid March.
#2 - GoldRush Apples. These might have been #1 but didn't have enough. Good until the end.
#3a - Newtown Pippin
#3b - Golden Russet
#3c - Stayman Winesap
3a-3c were all pretty close and got eaten too early to note big differences.

Although most of my edible plants have yet to come into bearing I will second the fuzzy kiwi. It is amazing how long they last in garage conditions. Mine were still in very good condition in early April. We did purchase some Newtown Pippin apples from cold storage in mid March that were also in great condition. Hopefully next year I will have more to report.
Portland, OR
Marsha H
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