FYI here is a design for an apple tree guild (companion planting) that I came up with (see;pg=PA186). If you have done something similar I would love to hear about it.
The outer circle is about 10 feet in diameter.
Feedback welcome.
Looking SE:
Looking North. Note the two robins working the mulch.

Is the comfrey around the apple tree mainly there to fertilize and help the apple tree grow well and healthy? I'd like to see more pictures after the plants have grown some. I know mint can grow really quickly and spread. Will you be pruning and controlling the plants or letting them grow wild around the apple tree?
Tina - Currently looking for some wholesale planters for some starter plants.

I really like your design! Do you have an update? I am getting ready to plant 8 pears and 8 apples and am going to grow herbs (for harvesting) in the alleys. I am working with a blank slate (old row crop field) and would appreciate knowing what worked best for you. Thanks!

I use some similar plants but much more spread out - comfrey alone taking up a 6 ft dia circle (4 plants in 2 years will do that!) I like to include chives and horseradish as well, and find clover, lupine, etc. will find their own way if I spread a seed mix in fall and early spring.
Marsha H
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