Hello fruit maestros!
Does anyone have any experience with an apple called "Grise Pontoise"? It's listed in Nick Botner's collection (http://seedlingapples.wordpress.com/nic ... -apples-2/) and in Fred Janson's collection (http://www.appleman.ca/korchar.....Janson.htm) but otherwise I can't find any info on it.
I wonder if it is the same as "Pomme Gris" (http://www.saltspringapplecomp.....e-Gris.htm) or "Belle de Pontoise" (http://www.fruitiers.net/fiche.....mFiche=346).
It's growing in a community garden near me, but the fruit always gets picked well before it's ripe so I have no info on that. I initially thought it must be the same Pomme Gris (a variety I'd like to graft) but now I'm not so sure. Thanks in advance for any input! D.

Yes we can obtain scionwood from the genebank. Our order has already been processed for this spring, however if you are interested for next year send me your email. I travelled to Fred Janson's farm a few times before his death and have some of his varieties in my orchard. If interested I can forward a list of my cultivars.
Marsha H
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