Hi my name is Kevin Biggs of Beaverton.
Joanie, who handles the HOS Contact Us link, suggested I share the following on your forum.
I have a large home fruit orchard (34 fruit trees, plus grapes, blueberries, raspberries, several kiwi, etc), along with banana, palm, and other tropical trees, that I know someone would enjoy.
Our 5 bed/ 3 Bath house is like a Tropical Home and Orchard, which is what I called my website. I’m trying to find fruit enthusiasts that might be interested. As it’s more than just a house, I am not listing with the MLS. Most realtors could hardly name the trees, much less have the passion, history, and records I have, after 11 years of establishing my orchard. Here is my personal website, and I’ve got it on Zillow of course. http://www.TropicalHomeAndOrchard.com If not interested, do you have any ideas? Thanks !!!
Also, it includes a tiny but lucrative nursery business, that requires basically zero work, and yields a great profit. Made $1400 last year, helping pay the mortgage !
See website for Open house dates every weekend.
Including the front yard, your orchard has the following edibles… The number in parentheses is the number of mature trees that produced heavily last year (should improve each year)
- 11 cherries (3)
- 8 peaches (8)
- 7 apples (1, with 3 medium producers so far)
- 3 plums (1)
- 3 figs (1)
- 1 pear (1)
- 1 Asian pear (1)
- 14 blueberries (10?)
- Orange Golden raspberries (rare and very sweet, and early) (all)
- red raspberries (lots) (all)
- 2 fuzzy kiwi (none yet)
- 2 Arctic (Hardy) Kiwi (like grapes, no fuzz) (none yet)
- 5 seedless grapes (just starting to produce a few)
- 2 rhubarb plants (lots)
- 1 pineapple Guava (none yet)
- 1 thornless blackberry (so -so)
Some of above are mature and large producers, while some are just about to produce. Each fruit has several varieties, chosen for maximum cross-pollination, disease resistance, and flavor. My pictures are too large for your site, so you need to look at my website.
If not interested, please pass it on, or let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks !!!
Kevin Biggs
3280 SW 175th Ave
Beaverton, OR 97003
503-259-9270 Home
503-696-0838 Work
503-830-9647 Cell
Marsha H
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