I thought I'd post a quick update on my experience with spotted-wing Drosophila for this year. In the past, I have had some issues with them with my ever-bearing raspberries but I seem to have some control by bagging the berries before they ripen. Of course, I can't bag every single berry. This year I did not see any obvious evidence of SWD through June. Since I had to go away for a few days around July 4th, I removed some of the bags to make it easier for someone else to pick berries. After my return, it seemed like the berries were fine, but these past few days, I have picked berries which have the characteristic "soggy middle" from the SWD. At this point, the berries are slowing down so I hope to catch up on the bagging again to prevent the population from increasing a lot.

That is an interesting effect. We didn't have much of an effect on our raspberries. I am planning on removing my late blackberries and only growing early ones. I had so few cherries this year-pollination? that it wasn't a problem. Peaches haven't ripened yet.
John S
Marsha H
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