You probably ran into the filesize limitation then. The site will accept images up to 20KB and crop/resize them to 50 x 50px.
If the desired picture is bigger than that to start with then it will need to be processed before uploading to meet this constraint. 20KB is a lot of space for an image that will ultimately be displayed only at 50 x 50px.
If you don't have or know how to make use of image editing software, here's a good start for some free and easy websites that'll do it for you. The idea is you upload your image to them, they process/crop/resize it, then you download the processed image. Then you'd be able to upload it here.

This is a real limiting feature of our site and one that will make people use the forum less and post pictures less, neither of which is a good feature. Jesse, is there a way to increase the limits? I don't have this problem on any other site I use.
John S

I'm a little perplexed by this string. I didn't see any question or comment relating to anything about the Home Orchard Society, or to cultivating fruits in the Pacific Northwest, but it all went immediately to the size of the avatar and then surveillance camera capabilities. Did I miss something? ...I personally don't feel a need for a byte-heavy avatar. I'm just me, and generally I just have a question or comment to post and don't feel that I need to be standing in front of a nicely reproduceable Mona Lisa or Rembrandt's "The Night Watch" in order to do so. My apologies to the original poster (--presumably of a question or comment?--), but would it be possible to post such without the AVATAR?

John S,
Gosh. I'm actually pleased to read that, John. Over the last few days I've been feeling bad about my puzzled interjection and thinking that I might have offended someone who was a new member.
A person much wiser than I has said: "Don't get on-line after you've had a few beers." I did, and I interjected my opinion and I don't believe that it was appropriate. Nevertheless, I'm just glad that I didn't put off some new forum member.
I remain a humbled...
Marsha H
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